As you prepare to celebrate Independence Day, I invite you to ponder the word “freedom” and the many different ways you and your children can benefit from it daily. Here are three to start you off.
1. Freedom to be you
No longer is there a preferred race or religion. We are truly a country that honors uniqueness and the beauty of each person in his or her own special way.
2. Freedom of choice
While there used to be all kinds of limitations placed on things like schools you could go to, degrees you could earn, and even career choices; now, as you know, the sky’s the limit. If you can perceive it, you can achieve it. No reason why not!
3. Freedom of speech
“Say what you mean and mean what you say.” Along with that we include… “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.” Sounds fair to me.
July! The Month of Freedom
Have some family fun with this one. Now that you know you are free to be who you are, accomplish what you want, and speak appropriately to others; use your freedom to try something new. According to recent research, new activities mean new brain cell development, and you do not want to miss out on that. Shara in her post called Can we do 50 new things this summer? ” is already up to 30. Surely you and your family would like to try at least one or two.
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