Music: A Look Behind the Scenes

For years early childhood specialists have been telling us about the benefits of music for young children. For years they have been right! Music does so many good things for children that it is hard to enumerate all of them… but I will try!

Let’s start with classical.

1. High Quality

It is the world’s finest music. Quality is everything. Musical geniuses like Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and many others created these pieces by writing them down in musical terms. Imagine what it must have been like for them in their times to be able to hear their works of art performed by live orchestras!

2. Learning

It takes much repetition to be able to recognize, appreciate, and learn this kind of music. With every repetition, new neuron connections in the brain are formed, and older ones get stronger. More and stronger connections in the brain are what add to brain size and its ability to function well.

3. Mathematical Ability

There are two theories related to this concept. One is that the section of the brain that learns music is very close to the part that learns mathematics. The other is that the brain part for logic is the same for learning both mathematics and music.

4. Concentration

Learning to recognize different pieces and different parts of pieces takes concentration. Concentrating on anything has carry-over to other areas.

5. Calming Effect

Listening to soft music reduces stress and is conducive to relaxation.



There are many ways to enjoy classical music with your children. Here are some of my favorites.

1. Make classical music part of your day. Choose a piece that you like. Then play it whenever you find a good time. Use it to provide background music whenever appropriate. Start with one piece and continue to enjoy it until you reach a point where you want to add another selection.

2. Choose a piece of ethnic music to use in a similar way. A high quality selection will  have many of the same benefits outlined above. In addition, it will add a dimension of cultural enrichment.

3. Pick a soothing piece for nap or rest time. Use the same piece over and over, and then change to another selection when you feel a change would be welcomed.



Now it’s time to turn our attention to the benefits of all music. Each different kind has its own value. Here are some general attributes that you can count on to enrich your children’s lives in one way or another.

1. Feelings

There is a multitude of music to choose from and enjoy, and they all evoke different feelings. Loud and fast set the stage for action, and soft and slow have a calming effect.

2. Singing

Sing-a-long selections are great for teaching how to carry a tune and enjoy music in an active way. Singing with you is a good practice too.

3. Dancing

Introduce dancing to provide both fun and exercise. It also fosters both rhythm and creativity. Join in whenever you want.

4. Instruments

Simple child instruments are available. You can also make your own out of small plastic bottles or jars filled with dry beans or rice. Playing instruments along with music turns ordinary listening into active participation.

5. Learning

Teach as much as you can about different kinds of music and instruments. The more your children know, the better they will be able to progress in the world of music.

6. Variety

“Variety is the spice of life,” and that applies to music too!



There are many highly successful activities to enjoy with children. Here are a few of my favorites. These and others are fully explained in the book Make Your Own Preschool Games.

1. Drawing to Music – Have your children capture through art what the particular piece brings to mind.

2. Singing-Along – Write down words to songs and point to the words as you all sing together.

3. Making Up Songs – Make up words to common tunes to help your children learn their telephone number, address, or other important information. Children love learning math facts in this way too.




  1. […] NOTE: Find out more about music for babies and young children at Music Guide and at Music: A look behind the scenes. […]

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