Gaining Cooperation!

It is so helpful!

Technique 30 – Be a part of the solution.

Gaining cooperation in the classroom is always important. The quicker you gain it, the faster and more efficient teaching becomes. Participation turns out to be a successful key. Here are a couple of examples that use the process:


If you want your students to get ready for a new task, you can say something like,

“While you clear your desks, I will set up the computer and get out the crayons.”

Then when the first step is accomplished…

“While you take out your pencils, I will get the scissors.”


If you want your students to put the shelves in order, you can say something like,

“While you gather all the equipment, I will pile up the books.”

Then when the first step ins done…

“While you find all the puzzle pieces, I will collect the papers.”


Insight… Your participation gives your students the message that you are on the same team. It gives the idea of working together, and your students will really like that.

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