Where is the “Rule Book?”
Here it is! This is the face that lets you know that you are doing your parenting just right.

While I have compiled “100 Insights for Raising Successful Children,” you are the one who knows the rules.
Mine are just little reminders.
11. Act in an informed, confident way with your child. That is one sure way your day-to-day parenting will become easier and run more smoothly.
12. As a mother, you are the first to nourish your child’s body. As parents you are the first to nourish your child’s mind. Enjoy both of those responsibilities.
13. As an expectant parent you have a golden opportunity to prepare yourself for the most important job you will ever have. Become as ready as you can by gathering as much parenting information as possible.
14. As a new parent enjoy the first eight months as a grace period. You can’t make a mistake. How great is that!
15. Set up your own play-and-learn time with your child. Spend positive time together and decrease your child’s need for negative attention at the same time.
1. Child care is your job, but parent care comes first. That is the one and only way to be able to do your best job possible.
2. Each difficulty that comes along is a learning experience that will help you to avoid a similar or greater problem in the future. Therefore, have a positive attitude … no matter what happens!
3. Make expectations clear and keep that perspective with you all the time. You may know exactly what you want your child to do, but your child may not. Explain your vision with specifics and watch your success rate grow!
4. Use praise and encouragement appropriately. Reserve praise for major accomplishments but keep encouraging by pointing out specifics like “pretty colors” or a “tall tower.”
5. Pay positive attention. The more time you build your relationship in a positive way the less you will see negative behavior.
6. The way to teach your child to say “please” and “thank you” is to say “please” and “thank you” to your child.
7. Seek out your child’s uniqueness and pass on the information to your child.
8. Create a vision for your child and communicate about it freely. He or she will become all you guide and support him or her to be.
9. Change the word “misbehavior” to “mistaken” behavior. The whole idea is to teach your child to learn from his or her mistake so that he or she will not make the same one again.
10. Make your child feel needed. Switch out commands like “Put that puzzle away” for others showing how much you value him or her. Try something like “Please help me put this puzzle away.” Be sure to start with “Please” to show respect and then to add “Thank you” to express appreciation.
Have a “smooth-running week!”
Dr. Sally
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