365 New Days!

Happy New Year!

Here come 365 new days, and you get to live each one a day at a time! Sounds better already. Sometimes just one hour or one minute can be the focus. Any amount of time makes an impact on your child.

Here is the best part. If you have a little one in your family, you play a big role every minute, every hour and every day.

They say that most people break their New Year’s resolutions by March. That means that many forget about theirs much before that. Isn’t it nice to know that now you have a new way to be specific and follow through on a daily basis!

By now you know about the book Fun Baby Learning Games. It is designed to help you help the little one in your family grow and develop in optimal ways.










Starting on Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 10:00 am, a new class is starting at the Fountain Hills Community Center. It is called Teaching Through Play! The whole idea is to learn about early development … and then have fun with it. 

Here is the information:

Sp19 Teaching Through Play


  1. I just received an e-mail related to this topic, and I am happy to pass on the information. According to this religious interpretation, G-d created the world in six days, one moment at a time. This idea carries with it a message to us, “Make the most of each moment available to you.”

    Continuing this same train of thought is the idea that even if something is not going well, you can make changes to it … and many times very quickly.

    That is so special and so optimistic. The gift of life is amazing, and it all unfolds one experience at a time.

    Consider each day as a time to “start over, turn the page, and look towards a bright future” ahead.

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