No One Simple Answer to That Question!
“Special needs” is a general term that describes a diverse group of people who have one thing in common—challenges. However, that is all they have in common. Every case is different.
What comes next? “Extra help.” That is exactly what all these people need. However, because everyone is not the same, the kind of help needed varies greatly from person to person.
Need extra help? Interestingly enough “Needs Extra Help” is now one of the new and up-and-coming ways to describe people who have disabilities and challenges. It takes the attention away from having something wrong and puts it on the positive side of taking actions to make it right. It can also be specific without being a label—i.e. “needs extra help with focusing, language, staying on task” or “just in general.”
Giving “extra help” is needed, but that is not easy. Regular parenting is 24/7 and difficult. It revolves around these principles–consistency, small steps and all the creativity and ingenuity in the world. Oh yes, there is patience in there too. Doing all this plus providing “extra help” could flow into the “beyond the call of duty” category, but luckily it usually never does.
Now start with early intervention. This is one big long process … that can be overwhelming, but luckily there are many ways to help with that too.
“Tricks of the trade” make all the difference in the world. These are game-changers that can turn enormous problems into smaller ones that can be solved with unique, fun-to-do and easy solutions; and that is a delight! There is joy lurking around every corner, and the rewards are amazing.
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How “interesting” it is that “special” can be so regular and that “regular” can be so “special.”
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