Parenting Technique 43 – Help your child build outer social skills by focusing on your own inner family relationships.
Social is defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary as “of or having to do with human beings in their living together” (p. 560). No one lives in isolation. Moreover, people are together as part of all kinds of social groupings—at home, at work, and in friendship. As you continue to set up social opportunities for your child with other children, always remember that you and all the other extended members of your family play the biggest role in social skills development. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all have their own special ways of interacting with a child that is both loving and instructive. No matter who or what these people are like; they, each in their own special way, are the major force behind preparing your little one for the outside world.
Constructive Parenting…
How you treat a child is how a child will learn to treat others. The word “discipline” comes from the Latin word “disciplina” that means teaching. As you continue to guide and support your child in a loving way, he or she will continue to thrive.
The Chinese Touch! Grandparents look forward to taking care of their grandchildren. There are parks all over filled with retired adults taking care of little ones, teaching them, and loving every minute of it. {I recently spent time in China. I will be sharing tips with you, over the next few weeks, based on what I saw and learned!}
Hurricane Support!
The tips go on! Please continue to use and benefit from them as usual. However, in addition, know that I am available at to address specific hurricane-related concerns. You can email Mommy Perks and the message will be forwarded to me.
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