One Hundred Parenting Tips Continue with Five More…
11. When you act in an informed, confident and secure way with your child, your child will re-act back to you in that exact same way.
Why? You are your child’s model.
12. “As a mother, you are the first to nourish your child’s body. As parents you are the first to nourish your child’s mind.” ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 18th Century Philosopher
How does that work? You are your child’s first and most important teacher.
13. As an expectant parent you have a golden opportunity to prepare yourself for the most important job you will ever have.
Will this training be enough? No, the most important preparation you will ever get will be on-the-job.
14. As a new parent use the first eight months as a grace period to make mistakes and learn from them.
Will these kinds of mistakes have harmful consequences? No. This particular time is designed to be a trial and error period for you and your baby to get to know each other.
15. Set aside time everyday for special “play-and-learn” time with your child.
Why is scheduled time so valuable? Spending this kind of positive time together has its own way of diminishing a child’s need for negative attention.
~ Dr. Sally
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