“One Hundred Parenting Tips Continue with Five More…
6. Respect and appreciate your child at all times. You show respect by using the word “please,” and you show appreciation by using the words “thank you.” The way to teach your child to say “please” and “thank you” is to say “please” and “thank you” to your child.
7. Everyday you show your admiration for your child by acknowledging uniqueness. No one else on earth is exactly like your child… no one born before and no one yet to be born. Enjoy showing unconditional love for your own special child.
8. Create a vision for your child. Growing up is a journey toward independence and a life purpose. Communicate freely to your child your hopes and dreams for his or her adult life. Your child will become all you guide and support him/her to be.
9. Change the word “misbehavior” to “mistaken behavior.” Your child’s mistakes are social errors. Teach him or her how to learn from each mistake so as not to make the same mistake again.
10. As much as possible make your child feel needed. Instead of using excessive commands, express to your child how much you value his or her help. “Can you help me put this book away?” works much better than “Put that book away.”
Check in next Wednesday on Wednesday Evening Wine for the next set of tips.
~ Dr. Sally
NOTE: While many think that parenting concepts are a matter of opinion and that much is trial and error, the truth is that there is an “essence of parenting;” and you can now find that out on Parenting Tips with Dr. Sally in the section called “100 Parenting Tips.” All 100 contain a code which I was able to uncover throughout the years as a professor of education and parenting specialist.
July! The Month of the Parents
Time to focus national attention on the needs of parents! There are many. Best of all is to begin at the beginning—help every parent get their own child off to the best start possible.
How about a complete system of support for parents of children from birth to age three? One of our own specialists Daseta Gray provides amazing classes, information, and Internet guidance to parents through her program www.SabreeEducationServices.com.
What about preventing crime and violence? Back in 1994 the Carnegie Commission unlocked the key. While they thought it was going to be what happens to teens and young adults, they found out that the major cause was poor and deprived environments for children during the years from birth to three.
Now with our advanced knowledge of brain research we have real information to provide to real parents. One of my favorite materials is Brain Insights cards for babies and toddlers designed by Deborah McNelis and published by Redleaf Press.
“Every child is entitled to the finest experiences, and every parent needs to have the resources and knowledge to know how to provide them.”
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Respect for children is such an important part of parenting. And it’s something that is too often overlooked. Parents forget that to be respected one must also show respect. It’s challenging at times, but makes a huge difference in how your children feel about themselves and about you.