Technique 93 – Use a list for buying toys.
Diversity Pays
Because toy buying is so much like all other kinds of buying, be careful.
Since toys are tied to the world of learning, choose or make toys that cover the spectrum of all child development areas—cognitive, motor, social/emotional, language, and self- esteem. Just as you grocery shop for food items that fit into five areas—whole grains, vegetables, fruits, proteins, and dairy products—so you can toy shop in five areas as well.
If there are things around the house or toys that you already have that fit into particular areas and are already contributing to your child’s life in a meaningful, positive way, do not buy any more for those areas. As a matter of fact, if you already have a good supply in one or more of the developmental areas, give the extras away. In the world of play, less is more. The fewer the toys that are available for your child to play with at any one time, the higher the quality the play will be. The clutter caused by shear number takes away from the value of any one particular item.
June! The Month of the Fathers
Make every day this month part of your Father’s Day celebration. What does that mean? Make time every day for dad play. That kind of play is completely different from mom play. It is much more active and “rough-house like.” Enjoy!
Enhance Father’s Day for the dad in your family with this new book by Hogan Hilling and Al Watts Dads Behaving Dadly: 67 Truths, Tears and Triumphs of Modern Fatherhood. You will learn much about what successful fathers do and also how they do it.
~ Dr. Sally
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