Let us start off with a few important Labor Day facts:
- The first Labor Day parade was held in New York City on September 5, 1882, and the holiday became official in 1894.
- It was all about getting better working conditions for workers.
- Today our celebrations have been updated to sharing the joy of going back to work or school and getting the most out of the many wonderful opportunities that now exist.
Question for Today!
What did the banners say for that very first Labor Day Parade in 1882?
Answer for Today!
Question 2 for Today!!
What can parents teach their children about these very basic messages of yesteryear?
Answer 2 for Today!!
To work daily to reach the balance of work, rest, and recreation for which our ancestors fought so hard.
While the times have changed and our celebrations are different today, it is important to preserve for our children the original work that was once done years ago.
I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day holiday celebration with your families.
September! The Month of the Babies
For those of you who celebrated this holiday yesterday for the first time with a new baby, feel free to explain all this information to your loving little baby. Any time you are hugging, holding, and enjoying your new little one, share your joy of love, life, and learning.
While your new baby may not understand everything you are saying, there is no doubt that he or she will love the idea of your sharing and caring. Your baby picks up every vibe that you give off. He or she knows it is an adult world and is thrilled to be included in it. Every moment you are introducing your baby to life in a positive way, your baby is loving it. The more you keep it up, the more your baby will reap the rewards.
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Hi Sally what a lovely post !
I love the division of recreation work sleep!!
In this day and age we have to preserve our children’s play time!!
it’s being it eaten up by homework TV and computers!!
And it’s so true about babies if you’re anxious your children know it even if you don’t say anything!!
Hi Ava,
How special that you responded so positively to this information. Thank you so very much. Finding about about those banners was eye-opening. Wow, did we ever let that one go! Once we fill in our babies on this mix, they will be sure to teach it back to us. That is definitely what you teach us on http://Listentomeplease.com.
Aw thanks so much for the shout out!
Yes the banners where so interesting!
I can relate with the message as well, I am kind of a workaholic but I know that sooner or later when my daughter becomes more inquisitive, I need to cut down my work time and focus on her. I also need to divide my time so that I have all three: work, rest, and recreation. I have noticed that many children feels bad because their parents spend too much time at work and less with them. So, I’ll be sure to avoid this mistake.
Hi Janet,
This is wonderful that you zeroed in on these three strands of good health. In the recent past people used to give this same advice with slightly different wording–nutrition, sleep, and exercise.
If we add the two together or blend them, we get something like this–work/nutrition, rest/sleep, and recreation/exercise. That is an even clearer picture of child care excellence.
Thank you very much for pointing out the value of this three-part message. In addition, thank you for encouraging me to present this more expanded picture.
Balance is the key, hard to achieve, but very important.