October: Music to Your Baby’s Ears!

Dr. Sally says…

classicalClassical music is amazing. Start your baby off with some right away!


There are many ways to enjoy classical music with your little one. Here are some of my favorites.

1.Make classical music part of your baby’s day. Choose a piece that you like. Then play it for your baby whenever you find a good time. Use it to provide background music while playing, eating, or just relaxing. Start with one piece and continue to enjoy it until you reach a point where you want to add another selection.

2. Choose a piece of ethnic music for your baby. A high quality selection can be used in the same way as above. In addition, it will add a dimension of cultural identity.

3. Pick a soothing piece for bedtime. Play the same piece over and over until you get the idea your baby would welcome a change.

NOTE: Find out more about music for babies and young children at Music Guide and at Music: A look behind the scenes.





  1. Excellent article and easy to understand explanation. How do I go about getting permission to post part of the article in my upcoming news letter? Giving proper credit to you the author and link to the site would not be a problem.

    • dr. sally

      Hi Bea,
      Sure! I would love for you to post as much of the article as you would like. If you just link back to it, that would be great! Thank you for asking! If you get a chance and can send me a link to your article or news letter, that would be great too. Thank you very much.

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