Activity 61 – Dress Up Made Simple!
Age Range – Preschool and Up
Areas Being Developed – Fine motor skills and creativity… all at one time!
Your shirt is it! Other possibilities are a jacket, sweater, or robe. Find one that you don’t mind letting your child wear just for the fun of it. Practice whatever skill is appropriate with this special garment. Here are some choices:
- Putting on the sleeves
- Buttoning
- Zipping
- Snapping
- Tying
Help as little or as much as is necessary. Fading out your help should be your goal.
You, your clothes, and all your things are a big draw for your child. How interesting it is that the simplest things of yours can end up being higher on “play-and-learn” effectiveness than many expensive toys.
A Bouquet of Positive Feelings!
This year’s spring clothes colors are amazing. Bring out a bouquet of cheerful garments to enhance the spirit of your play.
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