August! Organize & Simplify

Sing the clean-up song as you encourage your kiddo(s) to pick up after playing!

Whether you are welcoming a new baby, sending off your little one to preschool, focusing on that amazing first day of school, or possibly all three; you all have one thing in common… being ready!

As you go about collecting all your essentials this year, do whatever you can to stay organized. With life as busy and chaotic as it seems to be getting, try your best to “keep it simple.” Order has been known to be calming and create a sense of peace. Disarray, on the other hand, can feel unsettling.

As you allow your child to be free at home, unwind, and relax in whatever ways he or she loves, turn to as many systems and schedules as you can. While messiness is a definite part of life with young children, do what you can to limit it to specific areas in your house and even to specific parts of the day.

“There is a time and place for everything”

— Anonymous

“Order is Heaven’s first law.”

— Alexander Pope

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