Tip 46 –Teach your students the magic of the words “thank you.”
The key words for showing appreciation are “thank you.” Start by using these words often. The more you use them, the more your students will use them too. Soon it will become second nature for all of you.
The way to teach children to say “thank you” is to say “thank you” to them.
Here are some common ways to say it:
“Thank you for helping me carry the books.”
“Thank you for listening so well today.”
“Thank you for putting all your crayons away.”
As you look around for different ways to say “thank you,” you will see that opportunities are endless.
“Appreciation plays a large role in the friend-building process. When you show appreciation to others, they in turn will show appreciation to you. Well-known psychologist William James said, ‘One of the deepest drives in human nature is the drive to be appreciated.” Peale, p. 177
In the teacher-student relationship, there are so many opportunities for asking, commanding, and sometimes even demanding. However, now you know there are equally as many, if not more, ways to show appreciation. Being aware of the real magic words “thank you,” you can dramatically enhance your whole relationship with your class.
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