Teaching about October!

October starts off the holiday season with Halloween. No advice in this tip, just some holiday thoughts to ponder. Here goes…

  • Happiness – It comes from things you buy, make, think of and create. Talk to your students about how they would like to enjoy this holiday.
  • Apples – This amazing fruit of the season is at its best. Ask your students how they will incorporate this fresh food into their own nutrition plans.
  • Love – No one knows exactly what it is. Ask your students what are their plans for showing it all month long.
  • Late Night – Trick or treating is usually a late night. Ask your students how they plan to make their Thursday night run smoothly.
  • Orange – This is the main color for Halloween. Ask your students to think of ways they might like to incorporate this color at home.
  • White Flour and White Sugar – These ingredients, known not to be good for the body, are in many Halloween products. Teach your students about different kinds of substitutes for them.
  • Energy – This is a time of year for high energy. Talk to your students about new and different ways to channel their holiday enthusiasm in wholesome ways.
  • Expectations – These run high during any holiday season. Talk to your students about different kinds of strategies for remaining calm and peaceful.
  • Natural – Candy corn and orange and black food coloring are the opposite of natural. Talk to your students about different ways to incorporate oranges, pumpkins, carrots and other natural orange foods into their meals and snacks.

Happy Halloween from all of us here at “Parenting Tips!”

October! The Month of Positive Energy

Here is one of my favorite thoughts from Cynthia Goldberg’s new poetry book A Tale of Two Cynthias.

“Face your fears. Never give up. There’s always time to give and care.”

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