Teacher Appreciation Week…is now at a close. However, teacher competence continues full force! After a week of festivities, teachers have been newly inspired and motivated to keep honing their skills. Each teacher who attended any festivity in any part of the country got many gifts. However, in addition, they all went home with the best present of all, huge amounts of energy! It is these teachers who can now take with them all their excitement and turn it into high quality teaching!
One nice touch is that National PTA played a big role in this celebration. How special it is to have a parent organization play such a meaningful role in teacher effectiveness.
“Teachers educate, innovate, care, support and encourage, and the impact they have on children’s lives and futures is so valuable,” said Otha Thornton, president of National PTA. “This is the one week of the year when teachers take center stage and are recognized for their steadfast efforts to ensure every child reaches his or her full potential, both in school and beyond.”
Started in 1984, the first full week in May has been designated as Teacher Appreciation Week, and National Teacher Education Day is the first Tuesday of the first full week.
Enjoy your accolades. Have fun giving them too. You are all members of a fabulous profession—very valued, highly creative, and fun too!
We here at EarlyChildhoodNews.net also send you our special greetings. From our perspective, the early years are the very important learning years, and we do everything possible to help parents get their children off to the best possible start!
Check out The Early Years for a short history of early childhood education… what we know, how we know it, and of course, what we need to do about it. Any doubts that early experiences need to be good? They must be great!
~ Dr. Sally
Thanks for reminding us of how valuable teachers are in every child’s life — and the role they play in making us the adults we grew to be.