New Year Motivation!

Tips for a Happy Healthy New Year with Children

  • Include your students as partners in your “special project” decision-making as much as is possible and appropriate. They will love this new role.
  • Begin a classroom exercise program. Design one for each student individually and then make a few for the whole class.
  • Make a special time each day to talk about daily eating. Instill in your students an understanding of natural food as a way of life and make it a goal to continue to eat nutritious foods all through the year.
  • Discuss sleep schedules. Suggest that each of your students make a fixed bedtime that includes winding down time to start.
  • Celebrate the holidays in new, personal, and creative ways.  Set up a craft table all stocked with paper, crayons, scissors, markers, etc. to make holiday decorations for the different holidays as they come up.

January! The Month of the New Beginning


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