Valentine’s Day steels the news today! Enjoy these unique thoughts as you get in the mood for a loving, caring, and sharing day ahead.
Valentine’s Day!* By Cynthia Goldberg
Valentine’s Day is a special holiday to celebrate.
On that day it is time to bring happiness and cheer.
It happens every year.
It brings in love and kindness to everyone.
The sun is shining through a shining glass door,
Sharing its light
And caring for all.
Hugging and kissing and showing good manners
To have with everyone.
It is a holiday to be with friends and family.
It brings good feelings and captures the golden rule.
Happy Angels sing their spirits.
They shine and ring in our ears.
They raise their voices high.
Let our spirits shine.
*From Cynthia’s upcoming poetry book.
Cynthia has a wonderful way with words and feelings, probably inherited from her Mom.
Mom speaking… Thank you, Herb!