“Squeezies” for Grown-Ups!

The Wall Street Journal from February 13, 2013 tells us that many adults are now purchasing snack foods in a new form–a pouch of pureed food that are pouches with a hard plastic spout slightly wider than a standard straw that can be sucked or used to squeeze out the food. Why is this important in a column about parenting?

This news comes on the heels of the two latest parenting tips in our Wednesday Evening Wine column on www.earlychildhoodnews.net/parenting-tips.

From Parenting Technique # 55 we learn, Everything you say and do with your baby is making an impact. The more you repeat words and actions, the stronger your impression will be. Remember all the things your mother said and did that you never wanted to repeat… and now you do anyway?


From Parenting Technique # 56 we learn, Everything you say and do continues to be important and will be forever. Those first words will be your words. You will love that. As you go about modeling life to your little one, you will see as time goes your child modeling all that you have taught him or her back to you. Enjoy your gift of leadership and responsibility. Both are amazing!

Remember the old saying, “Kids do what you do, not what you say.”




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