New foods to eat
A Reading tip too!
Read to your child as soon as he or she is born and even before because …
1. “High quality and high quantity language play the biggest role.” Talk and explain everything as often as possible. It is the R, S, & T of Parenting the holds the key.—Read, Sing, and Talk to your child as much as you can.
2. “An enriched early learning environment in the first three to five years sets the stage for later success all the way through school and then later in life
If your child is well-developed by age three he or she will be automatically predictive of being successful in school at age six.
Your Parent Input is Everything
Dr. Sally’s Guide to Child Success
Begins with Daily Health Care
And all health care has four main parts:
Each one has rules and regs for getting the most out of it.
Here is a wonderful four-part plate.
Have fun with your child naming everything good about this meal pattern.
Then be sure to live by and teach these 8 basics.
* Serve foods that go together well.
* Make chewing a worthwhile part of eating.
* Teach your child to eat carefully and “with others.”
* Enjoy at least three meals in a day … sitting, of course!
* Serve foods as family meals or snacks by a schedule.
* Give food to children seated at a table, not when at play.
* Use food for basic nutrition & bonding, not in a stroller.
- Know that eating is for dining and enjoying others.
Talk to your child about all of these.
Then remember most of all,
Food is Not a Toy!
Here is a quirky thought
But a good one.
Reading is Nutrition for the Brain!
Record-a-story. Your child will especially love having a story recorded by you. It will be great to listen to together while you are at home and even better for times when you are away. After hearing many repetitions of the story, while looking at the print at the same time, he or she may begin to recognize some of the words.
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