5 Important Language Tips


Emergent Literacy is Everywhere!

1. Have fun with open-ended play experiences and look for language. While computer toys and aps have their place, they often block opportunities for real language. Here are some of the simple things around the house that you can turn to for fun and language–an unbreakable play mirror or that full-length one on the wall, plastic containers, cards and paper, a simple ball, and much more. The simpler the item the better.

2. Emergent literacy has been described as “the natural, gradual development of language through listening, speaking, reading, and writing.” These skills emerge as children are exposed to a language-rich environment. Put into practical terms, remember to read, sing, and talk to your child, the R, S & T of parenting.

3. Growth in literacy happens from all angles. In particular,

          *listening leads to speaking,


          *reading leads to writing.

4. Whereas speaking was once considered a spontaneous occurrence, almost magical in quality, it is now known to be directly related to hearing, which actually starts developing around the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy.

5. The language(s) to which babies and young children are exposed will be the language(s) they learn to speak. For second language learning it is best if each person in the household speaks to their baby or young child consistently in one or other of the languages. For the person who speaks both languages, it is recommended that he or she switch to English only when it is being spoken socially at the time.

NOTE: Excerpted from Dr. Sally’s “Top 100”

~ Dr. Sally

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