Who is most plagued by insomnia? If you said, “moms,” you would be right. Remember when “Supermoms” made the news? Because women today have so much more to do than they used to, they seem to be waking up at night.
For some moms, they avoid the problem by taking a sleeping pill to ward off the demons of the night.
For others, they wake up at the very common but unpopular hour of 3:00 am to sort a long list of worries. Checking e-mails and texts are often a regular part of these unwelcome wake-ups.
For still others it is a middle-of-the-night time to leave the bed and tackle a work project that just never got done during the day.
Then there is even another group of moms that welcomes this extra-early morning wake-up. They actually count on it for private time. They look forward to this opportunity to just be at peace with themselves and the world.
Here are some examples of the kinds of thoughts that have been wakiing mothers up at night.
“I need to call that guy about fixing the car.”
“Did I send in the permission slip by deadline?”
“Should I chaperone the field trip?”
“Am I green enough?”
“Did I send that e-mail to my client?”
“Is the permission slip for pictures due today?”
“Do Carrie’s dance shoes still fit?”
“Is Girl Scouts on this week?”
Sound familiar?
You can find these and lots more information about this topic in the article “Mother’s New Little Helper,” published in the New York Times “Sunday Styles” section on November 6, 2011.
=) Great content, thank you.
It is a fast-paced and complicated world in which we live. No easy answers, but here is a Native American proverb that might help:
“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.”