Child-Centered Divorce Inner Circle Coaching Group

child-centered-divorceWe bring you news today of a new kind of support group for parents. It is for those who are divorced or somewhere in the process of separating. We are giving you this information because parenting under the best of circumstances is difficult, and children who live in the most ideal conditions experience problems of all kinds. Add separation or divorce to the mix, and parenting can get very challenging. Given this situation, Rosalind Sedacca, CCT has created…

Child-Centered Divorce Inner Circle Coaching Group

“Join this group to tackle issues from a child-centered perspective,” Rosalind tells us. “Bring your questions, your challenges, your insecurities and fears. Share your successes and wins.”

Here are three major benefits of this program. There are many more.

1. Safeguarding your children.
2. Avoiding mistakes that negatively affect your children.
3. Helping your children adjust during and after divorce.

And here is how it works:

* They have two live 60-minute Coaching calls every month.
* One call focuses on important strategies, and the second one gives you the opportunity to ask questions.

There is more, of course!

Here are the basics:

$97 for 3 months (2 calls a month)

Starts Wednesday February 4, 2015

We take this topic seriously because it is easy for parents to make mistakes that affect their children without them even realizing it. Here are three common ones as expressed in our post Worst Parenting Mistakes in Divorce

1. Talking negatively to your child about the other parent.

2. Forgetting to make time daily to talk to your child about his or her feelings.

3. Not considering your child’s preferences when carving out your plans to change the current living arrangement.

Here is a snippet of a Q & A that is directly related to dating. Find out more on our post Parent Dating and Kids

Question: Hello. I am a single parent and I have been cautious as to who I bring home since I have 2 kids, ages 5 and 8.  Lately, I have been seeing a guy…

A: You’re being wise in being cautious. Good for you. Take your time and trust your gut on when it’s the right time to introduce him to the kids…

Meet Rosalind Sedacca, CCT

I’m a highly regarded Divorce & Parenting Coach, Founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network for parents and author of the internationally acclaimed ebook, How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? A Create-a-StorybookGuide to Preparing Your Children – with Love!

A divorced parent myself, I understand the challenges you are facing and can help you better cope with the emotional and psychological impact of divorce on both you and your children.

My goal is to help you make the best decisions on behalf of your children during and long after your divorce. They will thank you when they grow up as my son did. And that’s the greatest gift of all!

A special note from Dr. Sally: Send in your news about events that are specifically designed for children in the early childhood years. We are happy to describe the activities and explain the benefits for little ones.

Join us everyday here on Early Childhood News to read about how to make experiences for your children the best that they can be. Monday Morning Coffee, Tuesday Afternoon Tea, and Wednesday Evening Wine are full of tips directly related to parenting and how to impact children in positive ways.


  1. Dr. Sally this service is great and will benefit both parents and child. I know that it is difficult to transition from a marriage but most of the time it is healthier for all involved. This great service will help you to help your child with a smooth transition. We need more services like this with the divorce rate so high. I think that you should sample the service even if you are not experiencing a divorce. It is a good idea to have information before things happen. Many of us are unable to self-regulate, and a major transition such as a divorce can be very traumatic to the brain. If you have some tools (knowledge) the trauma will be minimized. The best teachers are usually the ones who have experienced the subject.You should always think about the long term impact on the children, and both of you should keep that in mind. Please share the information about this service with your contacts. They will thank you.
    Great service Dr. Sally

  2. Hi Daseta,

    What a thoughtful message! Thank you very much! You participate and create wonderful programs for parents of very young children. The early years, the vital formative ones, are very important; and all your classes and events teach parents in many different ways how to guide and support their little ones effectively. You wrote recently about advocating parent education for all parents as a way to save disadvantaged children from having poor experiences that could lead them directly in their later lives to the world of crime and violence. Thank you Daseta for all the help you personally give and have given to new parents everywhere.

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