ABC’s of Parenting

Here they are: The ABC’s of Parenting! (see below)
Coming next via “subscription tips”are “100 Insights for raising Successful Children.” These, along with all the advice and information that comes out of this site, are based on years of study and research by Dr. Sally. Next up after the insights will be an introduction to The 15 Pillars of Parenting. 
This unique concept is available in two different parenting books published by Allyn & Bacon, Parent Involvement Begins at Birth and Constructive Parenting.
Act natural and be yourself.
Build a positive parent-child relationship.
Change the environment to solve problems.
Discipline as a model of respect and kindness.
Expect good behavior.
Form a fair, firm and positive relationship with your child.
Guide your child with godlike mindfulness.
Have humor handy as a favorite intervention.
Include your child as a valued, needed and important member of your family.
Join your child in play as much as possible.
Keep a partnership with your child’s caregiver(s).
Look for the cause of misbehavior and try to eliminate it.
Make misbehavior into mistaken behavior and teach your child how not to make the same mistake again.
Notice uniqueness as a way to build your child’s self-esteem.
Organize a rich learning environment.
Praise your child for major accomplishments and acknowledge him or her for small everyday achievements.
Quickly react to difficulties that arise.
Respond kindly and often with the words “thank you.” 
Set up for success.
Touch, hold and hug as much as possible.
Use high quality and high quantity language on a regular basis. 
You are your child’s first and most important teacher.
Zero in on your child’s “gifts.”


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