A.D.H.D. as a concept has value. It is a lot like many other characteristics of people and probably occurs like them in the form of a bell curve. We all have a little of it. Most of us have a moderate amount of it, and a few of us have it to extreme. Said another way, a small percentage of the population hardly has it at all. Most have it to an average degree, and a small group has it in excess to the point that it interferes with daily life. There is a huge list of factors that contribute to it, and the more these factors can be kept under control, the more the condition can remain somewhere on the mainstream part of the descriptive bell curve.
Here is the latest news about it from the New York Times on April 4, 2013. Ironically enough, it supports this explanation.
“A.D.H.D. has historically been estimated to affect 3 to 7 percent of children. The disorder has no definitive test and is determined only by speaking extensively with patients, parents and teachers, and ruling out other possible causes–a subjective process that is often skipped under time constraints and pressure from parents. It is considered a chronic condition that is often carried into adulthood.”
“Label jars, not people.” I didn’t make that up, but I have always supported it. Would you want to have a label attached to you that identifies you by one of your “not so excellent” characteristics? I would hate to be known as Sally, the one who has the “directions disability.” No one should have to go though life with any extra names besides the beautiful one that was given to them thoughtfully by loving parents. Given names are full of all kinds of imagery and often come from literature and poetry and allude to characteristics like beauty, strength, and honor. Many are names of loved ones and/or respected members of the family, who are either living or have passed away. These are wonderful labels that play a positive role in a child’s life.
Beware of negative labels. They are not helpful.
A Bouquet of Positive Feelings!
As Nancy Tillman in her book Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You—
And if someday you’re lonely,
or someday you’re sad,
or you strike out at baseball,
or think you’ve been bad . . .
just lift up your face, feel the wind in your hair.
That’s me, my sweet baby, my love is right there.
Hi Sally
I love that too label jars not kids:)
I get a lot of flack for this but I don’t believe in ADHD. I worked in the adhd clinic at columbia university hospital..
I have also watched parents create it in their kids for last 20 years ,they prefer to medicate their kids then change their parenting behavior .
Prefer to have kids with ADHD then go to therapy and stop yelling at their kids and controlling or expecting robots or perfection…
they Prefer adhd to going outside to play with their kids, prefer ahdh to helping them with their feelings;(
and thats just the tip of my iceberg(lol) on the topic!!
Hi Ava,
Thank you very much for adding your point of view. Everyone is right that many more children have difficulty concentrating and staying focused than they used to. However, few acknowledge all the changes in lifestyle that play a big role in this increase. The basics are food, exercise, and sleep; and much of that is a mess for most kids today. Add in virtual lfe, and it gets worse. Another big one is hours at school or child care away from loving parents. No need to go on. ADHD is a logical consequence. While scientists point to chemical chanes in the brain to justify medication, few realize that brain chemistry changes according to environmental experiences. Bodies need all kinds of TLC. That is truly what makes them work right.