Work as a Child’s Play!

Tip 57– Teach your child how to play his way through life.

Take turns with your child naming worthwhile activities. Then explain to each other the fun parts of each. Here are some examples:

  • Reading – Excitement. Learning new information.
  • Writing – Communicating. Getting a response.
  • Science – Experimenting. Discovering
  • Creativity – Making something new. Never running out of something to do.

Parenting insight…

It is the play in life that holds the key to success. Just as play is a child’s work, work can be everyone’s play. As you love, laugh, dance, read, write, paint, fill out papers, call, e-mail and take care of daily responsibilities, model joy and satisfaction.

“Everything gets better when you play. Nothing gets better until you play.”

— Larry Nelson

The Holidays are coming! No time is better than now to heed this advice. As you and your family go about all the extra work connected with the holidays, combat your own stress with holiday thoughts of joy. Begin the “Christmas spirit” with the spark of Thanksgiving. Make each upcoming day just a little more festive than the one before. Add a holiday decoration, new baked good, old tradition, or some brand new idea. Any change you can make, however small, will add to the excitement of your family’s “holiday happiness!”

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