Going here and going there! That’s the holidays!
Holiday time is filled with all kinds of social gatherings and fun events. As you prepare for your parties, outings, and special visits, here is some playful guidance about manners to share with your child.
Introduction to the Basics
When it comes to children’s manners,
There’s a lot that you should know.
It’s more than “please” and “thank you,”
“Excuse me,” and “hello.”
It’s everything you say and do.
It’s how you treat a friend.
It’s all the ways you are polite.
It’s messages you send.
Sometimes it’s when you’re in your home.
Sometimes it’s when you’re not.
It does not matter where you are.
Your manners mean a lot.
There’s meeting friends and meeting parents,
Meeting teachers too.
There’s lots of things that you should know
For what to say and do.
There’s taking turns and helping out.
There’s honesty and trust.
Many things that you should do
Just because you must.
Even if you make a mess
Or spill or drop or break,
Learn from all that you have done
And mend your own mistake.
Don’t forget the golden rule,
Treating others fair.
They will do the same for you.
That’s how people care.
Always guard the universe,
A great big open space.
Take good care of all your things.
Our earth’s a special place.
Bob Boyer
Loved the december poem. Feels so holiday-ish. I read with interest. all true!!!! Thank ou sally. I so look forward to grandparenting……the first wedding is coming in a few months and another soon enough. Grandkids can’t be far away for me.
Hi Bob,
That was nice news! Thank you for sharing. Good luck as you enter this new phase of your life.