Tip 63 – Enjoy with your child a great memory boosting activity.
Begin your story with your child the same way each time. “Once upon a time there was a wonderful son or daughter named ____.” That will be your way to set the mood for a fun tale to tell. Then begin, with your child, creating the story of your child’s day ahead. Here is a brief example.
“On January 28, 2013, Isabelle woke up in the morning, saw the daylight, and hugged her mommy and daddy. Then she got dressed, made her bed, and sat down for a favorite breakfast–waffle with real maple syrup!”
Go on to embellish and enjoy your child’s full day of experiences in your own special way. Your child can have fun surprising you with information and events that you might not already know. As you both go through the day’s activities, you are likely to stop and discuss anything in particular that strikes you both. Digging deep into the sequence of the day is an excellent memory exercise.
Parenting Insight…
Because the most interesting story a child could hear is one about him or herself and because information for this story is readily available, this kind of story should be fun and easy to tell. Language stimulation opportunity? Absolutely!
You can also well-imagine that bed time is another excellent for this particular activity. In this pleasant way, your child will be able to make sense of anything difficult that may have happened and then free him or herself to peacefully fall into sleep.
*Adapted from Make Your Own Preschool Games: A Personalized Play and Learn Program by Sally Goldberg, p. 48
Fighting Violence!
Troublesome things happen to children all the time. Without a satisfactory outlet, these can often build up and cause internal unrest. What a nice, friendly, non-intrusive, practical way to help your child calm down and enjoy the rewards of restful inner piece.
[…] My colleague Dr. Sally wrote a blog post today titled “Story of the Day.” […]