Little Kids and Little Magazines!

Tip 73 Introduce your child to the joy of magazines.

Order a child magazine subscription in your child’s name. Your child will love getting mail. In addition, he or she will love the idea of knowing that each new issue will provide an opportunity for the two of you to spend awesome time together.

First let your child look over the issue to find pictures, words, or activities of special interest. Then when you have time to give your child your undivided attention, select activities from the magazine that you think will be especially interesting and/or helpful to your child. As you know, just reading a story together can be amazing all on its own.

*Adapted from Make Your Own Preschool Games: A Personalized Play and Learn Program by Sally Goldberg, p. 169 – 170.

Parenting Insight…

Here are some tried and tested magazines that kids for generations have been enjoying:

  • Sesame Street Magazine
  • My Weekly Reader for Kindergarten
  • Highlights for Children
  • Nick Jr.

Here is “the new kid” on the block:

  • National Geographic Little Kids

I know many little children for whom that is already a favorite.

A Bouquet of Positive Feelings!

Once you finish enjoying with your little one the newest issue of your favorite child magazine, try some mother/father-daughter or mother/father-son magazine time. You take your favorite magazine while your child takes his or hers. Then you find your favorite comfortable reading spot while your child finds his or hers. That’s it! You two are off to enjoying some “positive feelings” together.

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