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Be sure to check in every Monday for a parenting tip. Each one is especially designed for helping your child have the best day possible. Everyday counts. One day influences the next. Success breeds success. Every child should have the finest experiences, and every parent should know how to provide them. Before you leave, be sure to see what’s going on at Tuesday Afternoon Tea with activities for young children and Wednesday Wine Down for parenting techniques.
Newborn in your arms, exhilaration in your heart, and determination in your spirit, you exit the hospital doors filled with rejuvenation and excitement. New life has just begun, and new love is growing by the minute deep inside you! As a matter of fact, when your baby is born (first child, second child, or more), someone else is born at the same time… and that is you! You are re-born as a parent, equipped with the capacity and desire to do anything and everything possible for your new little one. Because of your love you have the sensitivity and intuition to understand your child, now and forever, better than anyone else in the world. While there are many professionals you may consult along the way at different times for different reasons, benefit from their advice; but always remember you are the top professional, the true expert of your child.
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