I Like…!

Tip 37 – Teach your child how to have a positive point of view.

Take turns with your child starting sentences with the words “I like…”  If you play this game at night, change your starter words to “I liked…” and have fun reflecting on the day. Here are some examples for both your day and night games:


* I like cream cheese.

* I like riding my bike.

* I like coloring.


* I liked when you put a note in my lunch.

* I liked when you watched me on the slide.

* I liked when you played Bingo with me.


Parenting Insight…

Once you start playing this game, you will probably think of more and more things you both like. Probably you will find more and more time to play this game like… while waiting for a doctor’s appointment, riding in the car, or even at the dinner table. Here’s a real bonus! As you continue to play, you will probably become more appreciative of each other and more content in general.


  1. I enjoy all of your tips, as you know, but I really love this one! My daughter (age 5) will think this is terrific. She loves talking about things that went well during the day, people who were happy and things that others did that were kind/thoughtful, etc. She enjoys pointing those things out to me at night when we snuggle before bed. Her younger brother isn’t quite ready for this yet but I’ll start doing this with her. Perhaps we’ll also do it at dinner time with our 13 year old and just make it a family affair… thanks, Sally!

  2. Hi Shara,

    “I like…” your comment. What is really interesting is how powerful words are. Once you start saying a few positive comments, you end up saying a lot more.


  1. […] First read: Play the “I like…” game! […]

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