Follow that Yarn!

yarnTip 67 Practice with your child movements that go from left to right.

Cut a short piece of yarn or ribbon about 9 to 12 inches long. Have your child stand up tall in front of you and look straight into your eyes. Then move the yarn or ribbon slowly across his or her body from his or her left to right.  Then ask your child to keep his or her head straight and follow the yarn or ribbon with his or her eyes only.

Parenting Insight…

The idea is to help your child get as comfortable as possible with the left-to-right progression. Reading and writing are a big deal, and they will both go much more smoothly with this kind of motor patterning.

Ideas of March!

Think of other creative and fun ways to do this activity. How about a flashlight? Project the light on a wall in front of your child. Then, as with the yarn, ask him or her to follow it… with eyes only and from left to right.

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