The Sky is Falling!

Or is it?

Meet Henny Penny. Probably you already know her. She got hit on the head with an acorn that fell from a tree. Being scared and not understanding what happened, she thought it was something much worse. With little information and a lot of fear, she figured it out. The sky is falling! 

Then she did what anyone else in her time would have done … find someone who had the knowledge and power to help–the king, of course! Then off she went. On her way she met Cocky Locky.  “The sky is falling. The sky is falling,” she told him. “Oh dear,” he thought. 

Then the two of them went on their way to tell the king. Next they met Turkey Lurkey. “The sky is falling. The sky is falling,” and then he joined them. 

Next the three of them went on their way to tell the king. Next they met Goosey Lucy. “The sky is falling. The sky is falling.”  

Then the four of them went on their way to tell the king. Next they met Ducky Lucky. “The sky is falling. The sky is falling.” Then the five of them went on their way to tell the king.

Get ready!!! This story takes a very bad turn for the worse.

They met Foxy Loxy.  “The sky is falling. The sky is falling.” Then the six of them went on their way to tell the king … sort of. Foxy Loxy had another idea. He knew darn well that the sky was not falling. 

“Follow me,” he said with kindness and care. “I know a shortcut to get to the king.”

However, what he really knew was a way to lure them right to his den where he could eat them for dinner, and then he did.

Sad as it is to say, no benevolent king ever got to meet or help these wonderful young creatures. No kind and compassionate king ever got to guide and support them in the proper way. 

No fox can get us now.

Follow me! Let’s make it to the real King and follow his sound advice.

Well checks, small group gatherings, masks if needed, staying the normal 3′ apart and using hands-on-interactive learning strategies once again to keep us alive, well, joyous and free.

We can start building strong families again and benefiting from their strength. 

Here are the words from today’s benevolent king: BREATHE well, EAT balanced, MOVE regularly and SLEEP soundly.

I promise you these are the four “practices” needed to keep building a strong, healthy and very protective immune system. Fear and outer controls will not do it; and, as you know, in many ways they can be harmful.

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