Run Run Run

As Fast as You Can!

“You can’t catch me. I’m the Gingerbread Man.” 

Have you always loved that story?

Did you like to think that you were the Gingerbread Man running away from dangers and that you would never get caught?

It seems universal that almost every little boy and girl run away from authority in their own special ways. Probably another way to describe it is “growing up.”

While most children are lucky and get away with being able to enjoy the fun and excitement of their run, many others get caught one way or another by some very sly fox waiting in the wings for them somewhere out there ready to hurt them. 

Therefore, it takes stories like these to teach our little ones about real dangers so that they can hopefully avoid them. 

First the “famous” Gingerbread Man ran away from the Little old lady and the Little old man who made him to be their child and love him, but he did not know that.

Next he ran away from the Pig and then a Cow, and next a Horse.

Wow, he ran fast and did great until he got to a river he could not cross.

“Oh no!” he cried. “What can I do now?”

And then, just in time, he saw what looked like a Kind old fox.

“Come with me,” said the fox. “I will help you.” 

First he offered the Gingerbread Man a ride on his tail, and that was a nice start.

Next he suggested the safety of his back, and that was even better.

Last, but not least, the Fox told the Gingerbread Man to jump on his nose. Oops! That was very close to the fox’s mouth, and then the Sly old fox ate the Gingerbread Man; and then he was gone!

What started looking like a very polite and helpful Fox turned out to be a very mean and sly one. 

Today we are being led down a new and different health path. It clearly started to be a helpful one that seemed to be keeping us well, but then in time it changed. We must absolutely keep our eyes peeled as the restrictions develop. If they continue to cause extreme stress along with sickness, depression, suicide and death, we need to stop following them right away. We must not let one more person be harmed by what looked in the beginning like logical, safe and helpful interventions.

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