Change! Not so Easy but Very Important

Cyn-BloggerMy friend asked Cynthia Goldberg, one of our site experts, a question about making changes.

Question: How do you face change in your life?

Answer: Here is an excerpt from that answer.

It’s hard to deal with the feelings of change sometimes. But change is an adventure. Facing challenges can be the way to make your dreams come true.

Click here to see her complete answer.

About Change


July! The Month of the Parents

Courage is to keep things growing and changing. The real me says I am willing to keep my courage and face change with love, peace and happiness ~ with angels supporting me all the way. 

~ Cynthia Goldberg


Join us all month long for parenting skills.

Monday Morning Coffee – “15 Pillars of Parenting”

Tuesday Afternoon Tea – Q & A

Wednesday Evening Wine – Parent as a Pro

Parenting skills are just that important. They make everything else that you do go much more smoothly.

~ Dr. Sally



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